Friday, July 31, 2009
Photoshop is Like Crack

And then I moved home.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Celebratory Hot Chocolate
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, Avacado!
Vegetable Miracle
My dream of being a shady blogger...
I was driving home from the airport yesterday when I heard this story on NPR… I don’t really care about mommy bloggers, to tell you the truth. I think the idea of blogging is interesting and important though, as a student of communication and as a human… with a photos blog (which recent evidence suggests has a reagular audience of at least twenty!).
What was really interesting about the story was that bloggers are making money, or getting all sorts of free crap to advertise or review products…
“"Blog-ola" is the free goodies, products, trips and other perks many marketers are giving to bloggers in hopes of getting favorable publicity or positive reviews. It's a hot topic among "mommy-bloggers" in particular, who are proving to be quite influential with their readers.”
This has caused some experts and individuals that possess a conscience to question the scrupulousness of such reviews and whether this is ethical and good for the blogging community.
My question is this: where are our free cameras, lenses, photo software, plane tickets, and large sums of money?
I am all about ethics. When they involve war coverage, presidential candidates, and environmental conspiracies. Blogging is anarchical, for better or for worse, and when the population is made up of ‘mommies’ or ghetto student photographers I do not see how anyone can be shocked that they would compromise their journalistic integrity (being that they are… not really journalists) for cleaning products or large, expensive Nikons (hint!).
If anyone would like to corrupt our blog in this way please contact one of us with your offers. Terms, conditions, and honesty are negotiable.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Quade Saves the Day, Part 742
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Macabre, Beautiful, and Potentially Illegal
Eye Masks
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Embrace Life
You may remember many months ago, when we decided that our epic battle in life features the two foes: Embracing and Relinquishing. It occured to me very recently that I have been leaning toward the embracing side of life.
This weekend, I bought ice cream from the obnoxious ice cream truck. I discovered that the ice cream man not only offers a very wide variety of frozen snacks, but he charges a very fair fee for joy-on-a-stick. Also, I think he really enjoys his job. I no longer harbor bitter feelings toward the truck, which still loudly blasts bad versions of classical music.
I also recently embraced the spending of a rather significant (on my budget) amount of cash, when I purchased my first iPod. You could even say that, for a moment in time, I have embraced conformity. While I still prefer interpersonal forms of communication (thank you, Professors Self, Sugiyama, Douai, and Vogelaar), a nice musical interlude between meaningful conversations is very welcome in my life.
Finally, I am beginning to embrace unemployment. As I am not yet officially unemployed, you may want to check in with me in a week or two and see how I feel about the subject then. As of now, however, not working the night shift in exchange for no paycheck sounds very reasonable. So there.
This intrapersonal reflection took place as I was walking Bama the Dog in Minneapolis. Later that day, I returned to our apartment and finished this box of Life cereal. That's when I noticed, in perfect poetic timing, the text on the box. Sometimes, empty cereal boxes really do say it all.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Now, the only other Ikea I have been to is (you guessed it) in Grancia. So when I stepped into the loveable monstrosity, I felt like I was....home. It was so blessed and lovely.
I found my vacuum bags, then I bought some chocolate hazelnut cookies and life was good.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Beach Bum
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Minneapolis Torchlight Parade
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Another view of Lake Como
If this kid came from Satan's mistress, I probably came from Satan's armpit, because I thought it was wicked funny. You should have seen the gusto with which he chucked those rocks.
Meanwhile, on the side of the road...

We had a blowout. Quade was prepared though... so while he changed the tire, with out possessions strewn across the roadside (the spare is under the bottom of the trunk) Leyna and I did what any kind, responsible sisters would do. We played around, took photos, and let him deal with it. Aren't we great road trip companions?
Monday, July 20, 2009
"What a day this has been...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"The horror...the horror..."
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Indeed I do.
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Footbridge over Hiawatha
Oh. Lord.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I keep my friends in box
Caribou Coffee
Also, I just looked up and saw the spitting image of Jemaine. (You may have received my Facebook post regarding this rare siting.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Gold Medal Park (featuring the Guthrie Theater)
One of the things that makes this park interesting is its appeal to chubby, middle-aged white men. They can often be seen, scattered on the slope of the Hill, shirtlessly sunbathing. Yet, somehow, it isn't creepy or wrong. It's just what they do at Gold Medal Park.
I think some of the trippy-ness has to do with the way they mow the grass. . . . It is both linear and circular. I have no idea how they do it.
An Impromtu Concert of Sorts
Also, it looks crazy because I had to snap this shot from behind a fence. I couldn't quite get it out of the way.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Grand Ole Creamery
This place is no exception, but it is exceptional. You can smell the homemade waffle cones baking on the irons from about a block away (if the wind is right). All of the ice cream is homemade and the scoops are absolutely gigantic. Just the way they should be. We had some ice cream and took a stroll and basically felt that the world was right, as we often do when we're together.
A Good Day
Monday, July 13, 2009
Che cosa?
My dear, dear bother
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday Drive
And did I take this photo while driving? Perhaps...