Friday, July 31, 2009

Photoshop is Like Crack

Seriously, I am having a hard time dragging myself away from it to take photos... and to sleep. 

The funny thing is that I have no idea what I am doing. None at all. I actually checked out Photoshop for Dummies at the library but I cannot bring myself to read it because the sample photos are really ugly. 

At any rate, the reason I am desecrating the bog-site with this ranting is that I have messed with your face... in the 'Eye of the Beholder' Travy photo and I wanted to share it with you. It is the only thing that came out looking half decent. I successfully transformed a photo of a  foggy vineyard into something that looked like a radioactive vineyard-fire. Through 3-D glasses. Creepy. 

And then I moved home.

Now, many homes have children that enjoy raising critters as little science experiments. In our home, however, it is the parents that enjoy it. This is one of my mom's caterpillars. I think he's kind of cute. Mom thinks he is wonderful. Dad likes the bees, and we're all happy.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Celebratory Hot Chocolate

Actually, it was a full breakfast. This was taken on the morning of my last shift. It was a

beautiful morning, and a beautiful breakfast, and a beautiful mug of hot chocolate. All I can say is thank you, Mickel'. :)

And Found

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, guaca, Avacado!

This is a very bad picture, complimented by very bad photo editing, of a very amazing avacado.

My mom and I were thrilled when we found these babies, which were nearly the size of small human heads. I brought it to work and made guacamole the next day. The results were fabulous.

Vegetable Miracle

The mid-week farmer's market this was amazing... Greeley is not Bellinzona, obviously, but I feel bad about my lack of faith up to this point. We made out like colorful, vegetarian bandits. 

My dream of being a shady blogger...

I was driving home from the airport yesterday when I heard this story on NPR… I don’t really care about mommy bloggers, to tell you the truth. I think the idea of blogging is interesting and important though, as a student of communication and as a human… with a photos blog (which recent evidence suggests has a reagular audience of at least twenty!).

What was really interesting about the story was that bloggers are making money, or getting all sorts of free crap to advertise or review products…

"Blog-ola" is the free goodies, products, trips and other perks many marketers are giving to bloggers in hopes of getting favorable publicity or positive reviews. It's a hot topic among "mommy-bloggers" in particular, who are proving to be quite influential with their readers.”

This has caused some experts and individuals that possess a conscience to question the scrupulousness of such reviews and whether this is ethical and good for the blogging community.

My question is this: where are our free cameras, lenses, photo software, plane tickets, and large sums of money?


I am all about ethics. When they involve war coverage, presidential candidates, and environmental conspiracies. Blogging is anarchical, for better or for worse, and when the population is made up of ‘mommies’ or ghetto student photographers I do not see how anyone can be shocked that they would compromise their journalistic integrity (being that they are…  not really journalists) for cleaning products or large, expensive Nikons (hint!).

If anyone would like to corrupt our blog in this way please contact one of us with your offers. Terms, conditions, and honesty are negotiable. 

Monday, July 27, 2009

Quade Saves the Day, Part 742

I should have taken a photo of my nice new friend a the Apple Store in Boulder, but I didn't. And this is the only photo I took that day. So here you are; my view, through the windshield, of Quade saving some lady on the side of I-25 on our way home.  

You know what they say...

Sometimes, you and your dog start to look alike.

I think it's true, Mickel'.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Macabre, Beautiful, and Potentially Illegal

The drive from Midland to Greeley is long and ugly. We are forced to entertain ourselves by over- caffeinating, listening to lots of Modest Mouse and Jonny Lang, and smoking these watermelon cigars (if you can call them that).  

The high point is the wind turbines, which I am really fascinated by. Quade took this photo
 while driving. I was holding the wheel while talking to Simmy on the phone. I told her about it and I think she was slightly disturbed. 

You can imagine after 8 hours of this we were quite bored and curious about the blowing plume of smoke in the distance.  
And when we got near enough to see that it was a fire, there was nothing to do -sick as it sounds-  but drive as close as we could and try to get a photo.

In our defense, the house appeared to be vacant, there were no ambulances, and no one appeared to be distraught about the pyrotechnic demonstration ...

Eye Masks

I used to think these babies were for divas and self-diagnosed insomniacs. Then I started working the night shift and saw the light (or, rather, blocked it from my face).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Autumn and the Turtles

And sweet Daniel:

Embrace Life

Dear Alyssa,
You may remember many months ago, when we decided that our epic battle in life features the two foes: Embracing and Relinquishing. It occured to me very recently that I have been leaning toward the embracing side of life.
This weekend, I bought ice cream from the obnoxious ice cream truck. I discovered that the ice cream man not only offers a very wide variety of frozen snacks, but he charges a very fair fee for joy-on-a-stick. Also, I think he really enjoys his job. I no longer harbor bitter feelings toward the truck, which still loudly blasts bad versions of classical music.
I also recently embraced the spending of a rather significant (on my budget) amount of cash, when I purchased my first iPod. You could even say that, for a moment in time, I have embraced conformity. While I still prefer interpersonal forms of communication (thank you, Professors Self, Sugiyama, Douai, and Vogelaar), a nice musical interlude between meaningful conversations is very welcome in my life.
Finally, I am beginning to embrace unemployment. As I am not yet officially unemployed, you may want to check in with me in a week or two and see how I feel about the subject then. As of now, however, not working the night shift in exchange for no paycheck sounds very reasonable. So there.
This intrapersonal reflection took place as I was walking Bama the Dog in Minneapolis. Later that day, I returned to our apartment and finished this box of Life cereal. That's when I noticed, in perfect poetic timing, the text on the box. Sometimes, empty cereal boxes really do say it all.


Friday, July 24, 2009



I went to Ikea today, to buy vacuum-pack bags. I keep imagining that if I am prepared to make a big move again, I might actually do it. (It's the same sort of philosophy as "If you build it, they will come.")
Now, the only other Ikea I have been to is (you guessed it) in Grancia. So when I stepped into the loveable monstrosity, I felt like I was....home. It was so blessed and lovely.
I found my vacuum bags, then I bought some chocolate hazelnut cookies and life was good.
Also, I got a realllllly funny look when I took this picture. I think the lady thought I was just entranced by the sheer vastness of the store. And, you know, maybe I was a little bit.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Glamourous Tomatoes

Beach Bum

I truly was a beach bum today. I had the cooler and everything. It sounds a little lame to go to the beach by yourself when everyone else is working, but it was fabulous. I brought a book, some Twizzlers, and my music and I just felt completely and totally relaxed.
I also came to a conclsion regarding swimming suits and color schemes: Nude tones are never a good idea.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I thought this was a liquor store.

It was just a public service announcement.

Minneapolis Torchlight Parade

Every year, the Minneapolis Aquatennial celebration features the torchlight parade. It's a very cool parade, with lots of your standard floats, marching bands, flag throwers, etc. This year, there were also jets. I had never gone before, but my dad's boss hooked us up with some sweet VIP seats. :) We got to sit in bleachers instead of on the curbside, and eat a catered meal (which even had a vegetarian option). We also got free reusable shopping bags, which I believe you can never have to many of.

And, there were clowns. This is a very plain photo of a very usual clown, but this clown opened up quite a discussion. My mom said, "Oh look, clowns!" And then we got to talking. And I discovered that she used to be one! It was a discovery both shocking and wonderful.
It was a really good parade.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another view of Lake Como

So, I was at Como today with my friend Greg for a concert. We were sitting in the pavillion by the lake and we saw this little kid playing near the water, watching a group of ducks. Cute, right?

And then we realized that the kid came from the womb of Satan's mistress. He wasn't watching the family of ducks, he was throwing rocks at them! Luckily for the ducks, he had a horrible aim.
If this kid came from Satan's mistress, I probably came from Satan's armpit, because I thought it was wicked funny. You should have seen the gusto with which he chucked those rocks.

Meanwhile, on the side of the road...

We had a blowout. Quade was prepared though... so while he changed the tire, with out possessions strewn across the roadside (the spare is under the bottom of the trunk) Leyna and I did what any kind, responsible sisters would do. We played around, took photos, and let him deal with it. Aren't we great road trip companions?

Monday, July 20, 2009

"What a day this has been...

What a rare mood I'm in.
Why, it's almost like being in love.
There's a smile on my face,
for the whole human race.
Well I'd swear I was fallin' in love!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"The horror...the horror..."

I don't think that Marlon Brando quotes (which were actually derived from "Heart of Darkness") are usually paired with Anne Geddes, but I think they should be.

Labor of Love my eye, Anne. Get a real job.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


We suck at self-photographing with a camera as intrusive as mine... but I love it anyway. 

And it has also reminded me that I think she has a better nose than I do. You wear it well Leyna. 

Indeed I do.

So, we went to the biggest farmers' market in Minneapolis (and apparently in the upper midwest) today, and it was fabulous! Our trip was a little short, but it was so worth it. I got a whole bunch of beets (and at one dollar a bundle, I should have gotten more), white onions, peas, and green beans. All for less than ten bucks. I was in awe. There were beautiful flower boquets, amazing fried food (including local cheese curds, which are always a favorite), and even a random assortment of themed lawn decor, featuring many different species of wild animals. We saw everything from a giant, ceramic rooster to a life-sized giraffe, and even some beasts of Minnesota which were cast out of bronze. I didn't feel that I had enough time to really stop and smell the flowers (or get good pictures of them), but I'll be back. And next time I'm bringing more batteries.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Footbridge over Hiawatha

I know it's hard to read, but this sidewalk message says "Empowerment Zone." I thought it was kind of awesome, and it was pointing toward our neighborhood, which is indeed, I would say, a zone of empowerment.

Oh. Lord.

Make this as soon as possible. With blueberries. I am sure cherries or any other colorful fruits will work. too

It will change your life. 

PS- I do not condone the drinking of milk with this confection, lovely as it looks here. For the love of all things holy and also lactose intolerant, drink coffee. 

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I keep my friends in box

It makes me feel guilty to wrap all the smiling faces in newspaper and stuff it in a box. Someday when I have a real home I will let them out permanently.
One frame has 9 little spaces filled with photos I took my first semester at Franklin- Bea, Barcelona, and Greg Jones kissing a moose. 

Caribou Coffee

Minnesota's own Starbucks.
So, here I am, at Caribou Coffee, "Where the laws of nature apply." I don't really know what that means, and it might actually be about something dirty, but I like it anyway. And I like the coffee. And I like that I can use the free wi-fi to chat with Marcel via Skype while I enjoy the ambient music and general vibe. Although there is a strange couple sitting nearby, there is also a woman with a bag that says, "I love Tibet," and there are a lot of books with nice looking people reading them.

Also, I just looked up and saw the spitting image of Jemaine. (You may have received my Facebook post regarding this rare siting.

Okay, this is probably the creepiest thing I've done in a while, but I just had to take a picture of him. Please don't judge me. Isn't that resemblance something!? This man could be singing about business time and we'd never know the difference.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gold Medal Park (featuring the Guthrie Theater)

So it was Guthrie day. And I got there early, so as to take some photos of the glory that was the sun, sky, and city of Minneapolis. I took a little jaunt through the park. It is a very trippy place, in an very Lewis Carroll/"To Oz" sort of way. There is a single sidewalk winding through the park the ultimately leads to the top of the park's solitary hill. From the top of the hill, there is a fabulous view of the Mississippi River, the Guthrie, and the mill district of downtown Minneapolis. What a wonder. What a site.
One of the things that makes this park interesting is its appeal to chubby, middle-aged white men. They can often be seen, scattered on the slope of the Hill, shirtlessly sunbathing. Yet, somehow, it isn't creepy or wrong. It's just what they do at Gold Medal Park.
I think some of the trippy-ness has to do with the way they mow the grass. . . . It is both linear and circular. I have no idea how they do it.

An Impromtu Concert of Sorts

So there I was, walking in downtown Minneapolis when I heard a rather jazzy beat. I followed my ears to the swingin' notes and found this little band. They were practicing for a concert (or so I assumed) and I just thought they were so cute. What's not to love about a group of hatted men, playing stringed instruments?

Also, it looks crazy because I had to snap this shot from behind a fence. I couldn't quite get it out of the way.


In a fit homesick rage I made a paper chain and draped it over my Lugano shrine and felt a bit better.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Grand Ole Creamery

Mickel' recently discovered this place. It is located on Grand Avenue in St. Paul, which is a very trendy, contemporary district. There are very few chains or franchises here, so most of the shops and restaurants are just quaint little nooks. Quite endearing.
This place is no exception, but it is exceptional. You can smell the homemade waffle cones baking on the irons from about a block away (if the wind is right). All of the ice cream is homemade and the scoops are absolutely gigantic. Just the way they should be. We had some ice cream and took a stroll and basically felt that the world was right, as we often do when we're together.

A Good Day

Emma was in Ft. Collins. We walked around down town, had lunch at Lucille's, and visited the New Belgium Brewery. After a summer of solitary book reading it was a breath of fresh air. Or a drink of cold beer. 

PS- I have visited several of the beer meccas of Europe... But I love this place. 

Monday, July 13, 2009

Che cosa?

So, I was at home this weekend and I heard a really cool, bamboo-y sounding windchime. So I walked outside to find the source of the soothingly hollow music. And then I found this. There were very bright flowers painted on it, and the bottom weights were actually wooden flip-flops. ??? It sounds neat.

My dear, dear bother

He comes to visit and suddenly treasures like this appear on my bathroom counter. Apparently all you need for life and happiness is bolts.  Did he really have all those bolts in his pockets? Where did they come from? And why are they in my bathroom? Jolly Ranchers and Sharpies never hurt either. 

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Drive

I got off of work at 7 on Sunday, then make the trip to my hometown. My youngest cousin graduated from high school this year and the fam was getting together for the graduation party. I listened to wordless ryhmes and Fernando Ortega the whole ride home and was generally amazed by the clouds. None of them had silver linings, because all of them were Silver...

And did I take this photo while driving? Perhaps...

Quade, Leyna, and anticlimatic landscapes

There was a huge family in DIA with the funny glasses with noses and mustaches... And there were all sorts of Love Actually-eqsue reunions and embraces. But I felt like a creeper and I was anxious to find Quade so I only took one photo and it was not at all magical. 

In fact, the photos following that one were mildly disappointing as well, so I am going for quantity and not quality. 

PS- I think the first one makes Denver look like Oz.